Fearless Expression

Uncategorized May 30, 2023

Fearless Expression

My throat is hurting right now. Cuz allergies.

But I also know that there is an underlying energetic reason for this. #bodyinsight.

I am showing up in a new way for myself, and in doing so, I need to express myself in a new way, yet again. I'm standing on my own more than ever. I feel myself stepping into my power in a new and deeper way.

Ya know the old saying, new level, new devil? ðŸ˜‰

As a long-time healer, creator, and intuitive badass, sometimes I think I’ve reached my pinnacle, but there’s no end, only the NOW.

And this is actually one of my superpowers. Living in the NOW. Being present and showing up in my life is my favorite superpower. When I am living in the NOW, I am present with what is. I am BEing me. I am here. Not ruminating on what was or worrying about what will be. I am here.

We are all born with this superpower, but we are conditioned consciously and subconsciously to stray. My work has been about learning how to come back to this moment. The only moment. And to feel the bliss of it. I'm not saying I'm perfect at this. It's a practice that I continually come back to. #emotionalmastery

I also bring this superpower of coming back to and living in the NOW to my clients and Reiki students. Teaching people to return to this moment is the tenet of everything I teach. I hold space like a mother. Right here, right now.

For a minute, I entered another challenge with a whole lot of people to become more visible, but then I realized I only needed myself to see me.

I'm working on bringing back #embodyreiki where I teach, BE here NOW, and a whole lot more. Curious? I hope you'll join me! 


50% Complete

Two Step

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