You are the magic and we've been waiting for YOU




 Inside the Membership

> monthly workshops in zoom


> Workshop Replay Library




> Community space to connect with like minded souls

> Support and Leadership 

> Membership Site & App to provide easy access to all content 

> Exclusive Offers and Premium Group Program Pricing for Members


Become a Member for $44/MONTH
Get the whole year for $444!!
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Receive the support you need to THRIVE & PROSPER

  • Shift out of disappointment and frustration into satisfaction and fulfillment
  • Develop emotional and energetic mastery
  • Release scarcity mindset and shift into Wealth Consciousness
  • Be held in community, take up space, and have your voice heard
  • Upgrade your beliefs
  • Learn how to co-create with the Universe
  • Leverage energy and cycles through numerology
  • Experience reiki, quantum expansion, and Body Insight
  • Nurture inner harmony, SELF leadership and responsibility
  • Change the way you BE in the world, create impact

Who is THRIVE, the Membership for?

  • You are a heart led leader, healer, coach, or mentor with a big vision.

  • You may be on your healing journey or you have completed your healing and are ready to CREATE.

  • You are ready to shift out of disappointment and into satisfaction and fulfillment.

  • You love receiving support and value a nourishing space to test your ideas, be witnessed, and grow.

  • You want to surround yourself with people who are calling themselves higher, just as you are.  

  • You are ready to step into SELF Leadership.

  • You desire to expand your wealth and unity consciousness.

  • You are devoted to your growth and vision.

Why I LOVE this model...

I believe that everyone deserves support and coaching at a price that feels good. Many people in the middle are left out of the coaching and healing realm because they cannot afford it. 

I want to provide access to high-level coaching at a price you can easily afford. This membership does just that! 

When you enter Thrive, the Membership, you are entering a conscious collective of soulful humans who are here on this planet to create a vision and amplify love and prosperity in the world.

You are the creator of your life. And It is time to bring your vision to life. Allow this space to support you.

Whether you still need to heal or you’re ready for the next level, the Thrive and Prosper membership is for you.


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What you can expect to experience

  • connection to the divine
  • connection to Self
  • inner harmony
  • healing
  • self leadership
  • loving support and acceptance of all versions of you
  • more Self trust
  • the confidence to take inspired action
  • call yourself to higher love + value
  • emotional mastery
  • become comfortable with change
  • ease your restlessness and dissatisfaction with what is
  • stability and foundation
  • shift from consuming to escape your life, to loving the life you are living
Become a Member Today $44/Month


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Jen Kohler

Jen is a Channel, a Master Numerologist, and an Intuitive Life and Spiritual Mentor for entrepreneurs, healers, and coaches. Over the past 20 years, she has built a brick-and-mortar + online body wellness, energy medicine, and coaching practice and a Healing Arts Reiki School.

Seven years ago, she brought her business online and proceeded to shift her entire life by massively awakening and embodying the visionary she was truly meant to be!!

She works with healers, visionaries, leaders, teachers + coaches to integrate, calibrate, and get into alignment, come home to themselves, reset their nervous system, reclaim their power + create massive wealth by listening to the deep knowledge within. She is in love with walking alongside her clients + students as they wake up to themSelves, get to know themSelves, and come home to their purpose within.

In THRIVE the Membership

Expect to be held in a constant container imbued in Reiki, invited to safely unveil what may feel unlovable, walk the neural pathways of your subconscious mind to weed what no longer serves your highest and best & pave new pathways of a vibrant, fulfilling existence.


You can look forward to discovering more about yourself through the magic and science of numbers; honoring your nature and learning how to nurture that within you that desires to be seen, chosen, aligned and FREE.


In this sweet space, you will get used to regular connection, intimate access to me and always guidance + tender loving care. You will come to understand just how sacred you are, through my lens of truth. I am a Meaning Maker, Truth Revealer, Path Paver and Way Shower.


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