The Co-Op CommUNITY

Meet our Team

Welcome to the Co-Op! We are so glad that you are here. Many people ask me regularly where to get a healing session or clear their chakras or receive Reiki. And this is why I truly created this space. So that you could receive this healing modality with people that are vetted and that I trust. I trust them because I trained them. And so this space was created for these amazing practitioners to be seen and for you to receive their loving guidance. And, when you are ready, you can come through Embody Reiki and become your own best healer.

If you would like a very affordable distance Reiki session, click on the 30 or 60 minute offer below. You will be taken to a pay portal and then someone will contact you to schedule your session. 

Some of the many Benefits of Reiki 

Illness- treats illness on whatever plane it exists on

Recovery- helps and accelerates the healing process after surgery or medical procedures

Injuries- muscle pain, help with recovery 

Pain- improve mobility, ease chronic pain

Wellbeing- promotes a sense of wellbeing and peace

Stress- alleviate stress, relax and rest 

Regulates- strengthen the immune system, regulate blood pressure + your nervous system

Hormonal- balance hormones, regulate PMS, menopause and infertility issues

Relaxing- Induce a state of deep relaxation in the body 

Emotion- Release old emotions, patterns, beliefs and thoughts stuck in the body

Detox- balance organs and glands, clear body toxins

Jen Kohler

is the visionary of The Reiki Co-Op, and Embody Energetics. Jen is a Master Numerologist and Reiki Master Teacher as well as a Self Mastery Coach. 

Whit Warmka

is a Reiki Master Teacher and the lead teacher for Embody Reiki. Whit is also an EFT practitioner and coach. She helps women come home to themselves as their own center of support.

Deanna Flores

is our firekeeper here in the Co-Op. She is a Registered Nurse, Reiki Master Teacher, and EFT practitioner. Deanna is dedicated to bringing people together in Unity Consciousness.

Hillary Wolfe

is an Embody Reiki Master Teacher, Coach and Essential Oils Maven. Are you ready to Make Your Own Magic?

Mary Powers

is an Embody Reiki Master Teacher and an Emotional Freedom Technique Practitioner. She helps people to truly learn to love themselves first!

Jennifer Williams

is a Coach and EFT practitioner. She is a part of our creative copywriting and design as well! She is a huge support here in the Co-Op.